Check out my lovely new Liberty Print sketchbook my husband brought me today.

With Mike in London today we just had a Mummy & Mimi day. I demonstrated my double standards and put Mimi in front of the TV on whilst I was in the shower. If you are a regular reader of my blog you may remember that we had banned TV in the week as Mimi was developing square eyes. I have however come down off my pedestal slightly. When I am in the shower the little monkey has a tendency to run off; (we live in a bungalow). By putting her on our bed in front of the TV I can see her from the shower. Whilst writing this I am going to remind Mike about putting the baby gate up on our bedroom door.
With the weather being so good I decided we would go for a walk. We quickly popped into town and then round to see Pa & J via the great flower lady where we brought some stunning flowers which Mimi insisted carrying and some beetroot.
We then walked home via the sheep in the field at the bottom of the road.
We have managed our first day of potty training without an accident. Wow!!!!! I think we may have finally got it! Yippeeeeee. I am so pleased we brought the potette fold away potty.
I originally thought it was a bit expensive at £15.00 the bags are even more expensive. However if you have a child who has a serious phobia of public toilets (she has always had it ever since she was little, I think its something to do with the lighting and the hand dryers) it is great. The bags have little frogs in the bottom and an absorbent pad. Mimi will now happily use it out and about so I think we are well on our way.
Whilst Mimi was asleep this afternoon I managed to complete the first (of many) panel for Mimi's new quilt.
Just before tea I said that Mimi could play with the play-doh. I could hear her chatting away to herself. When I looked to see what she was up to under the table she had a massive mouth of play-doh. This is not unusual. She loves licking it and eating it to the point where I think she isn't going to be allowed to play with it. When I was a child play-doh was always really tough and cold, the new stuff is really squidgy and when wet becomes really sticky. Does anyone else have the same problem? I know that its not a major issue as it is fairly edible, but even so.
Tomorrow we have my friend from Uni coming to stay with her little girl who is seriously cute. However she has a serious allergy to all dairy products and eggs. Has anyone got any good recipes I could make for the girls?
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